Sunday, 19 May 2013

BB1M spent!

Like finally..
Me and lizhen get to spend the BB1M RM250!!!
Planned to buy 500GB harddisk (RM199) at Borders thr.. 
but no stock... (i think is sengaja punya` LOL)

Spend more than 3 hours time at Popular@Sunway..
really hard to decide what to buy.. 
ended up buying all these things...
the most satisfying thing I've bought is water bottle~~ yeah~~~

and those health book like 防癌这样吃才对 & 生机食疗DIY大全~~ 
yeah x2~~~

Panda xian 喜欢的Panda 零钱包~~~^_^
 yeah x3~~~~

Late Lunchie at Sushi Zanmai`~ yummy~~

Again... we try out a few of clothes b4 heading to popular..
hahaha! bo bian..
there was many distractions along the way to Popular.. haha!

Panda xian in different style of outfit..
which one suits me more? ngek  ngek ngek~~~

Okay.. have to face the reality...

ASSIGNMENTS, could you all please LINE UP??!!
I am so stressed leh!!!!! 

and now i gt a lot of pimples on my head especially on the forehead! shit you!

ps: hahaha.. blame the assignments pulak..
actually is me ate too much spicy food dat time... haha! wateva lar..


  1. wow~ nice leh when u wear like this ...
    got buy some of this kind of cloth bo ? ^^

  2. hahaha... i oso think so.. thx lut huai gu~~ ^^
    no ooo.. exp leh.. but will man man chg to dis kind of style... ^^
