Saturday, 2 November 2013

Simple outing 011113

1 Nov 2013
Lunch @ 阿业靓汤

full die us!!! >.<

strawberry aka sparta no.3 and me! ^_^

2nd round- Secret Recipe
hmm.. the cakes are quite sweet..
no next time? depends.... LOL!

wanna try out Alexis!

last time, i like this raspberry cheese cake but now... hmmm...
not so excited of it ler.. >.<
i m getting old.. dun like sweet stuffs!

someone dun like this choc indulgence coz too sweet.. >.<


  1. last time i pernah confuse the 阿业靓汤 and the 汤师傅~~~~
    tot is same 1 ><

    1. haha! huai , u still so lut! haha..
      but 阿业靓汤 eat once in awhile ok, coz quite full ler.. maybe i chat while eating gua ~ duno
